The rains at the end of 2018 came as a blessing to this harvest season as we received more rain than expected and our dams got fuller than in the previous two seasons (2017/2018) when the drought truly took its toll.
As a result, our vineyards are looking healthy, there is a definite indication of better growth and in some vineyard blocks we anticipate a healthy increase in grape tonnage.
In comparison to previous years, the summer has also been reasonably mild with cool mornings – ideal conditions for the ripening of grapes. This also allows the vineyards time to recover after sunny days and consequently retain better acidity levels.
Our new plantings of Cabernet Sauvignon are looking very promising, and the first crop of these vines grapes will come to our cellar this year. Our Pinotage is also looking incredible, and we picked the first bunch this week, right after the first Viognier grapes came in
Our team in the cellar are looking forward to good start, and already the cellar is a buzz with activity!
Francois Rhode, Diemersfontein Winemaker.